Call Us Now: 888.945.2611

Call Us Now: 888.945.2611
British Columbia is Canada’s westernmost province and touches the Pacific Ocean. British Columbia (B.C.) is Canada’s most mountainous province and has some of the most spectacular mountain scenery in the world. Vancouver is a coastal city located in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, and is consistently ranked as one of the top five cities for its quality of life. In terms of economy, Vancouver is one of Canada’s largest industrial centers. It is strategically located on the Pacific Rim and at the western end of the Trans-Canada Highway. eCycle is proud to serve Metro Vancouver and the surrounding areas, including:
Contact Us
Unit 103Toll Free: 888.945.2611
Alberta is Canada’s second-most Western province. Featuring the gorgeous landscapes of the Rocky Mountains contrasted by the sea of plains that covers much of the province, Alberta is as vast and rugged as it is beautiful. With such a huge focus on oil fields and pipelines in the province, standardized recycling efforts are crucial. Calgary boasts one of the highest quality of life rankings in the entire country, and a large part of that is due to its commitment to sustainable practices at every level of infrastructure. Our Airdrie recycling centre is located near Calgary in the Calgary-Edmonton corridor that separates the province’s two major cities. Serving all of Alberta, our Airdire location is also able to serve Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
Cities that we serve in Alberta include:
Cities that we serve in Saskatchewan and Manitoba include:
Contact Us
108 – 34 Highland Parkway NEPh: (403) 945.2611
Toll Free: 888.945.2611
Fax: 403.945.1241
Ontario is Canada’s most populated province, lead by the city of Toronto, which boasts the highest population in the country. Flanked by the Great Lakes and the U.S. border, Ontario is a prime trade and transportation route for goods headed south to the U.S., west to B.C., or east to the Maritime provinces. With a vast array of forests, lakes, farmlands, and urban centres, Ontario has something for everyone. Toronto is often considered one of the most culturally-diverse cities in the whole world, and the mosaic of different cultures offers a variety of cuisine and entertainment opportunities that simply do not exist in the rest of the country. Our Mississauga office — located just West of downtown Toronto — handles all of our Ontario recycling tasks.
Areas that we serve in Ontario include:
Contact Us
7510 Bren Rd.Ph: 905.671.2900
Toll Free: 888.945.2611
Fax: 905.405.8723
Quebec is full of rich, exciting history dating back to the original French settlement of the area. With an array of gorgeous natural landscapes and revitalizing French demeanor, the province attracts tourists from all over North America, especially for its European feel. Montreal is one of Canada’s oldest and most celebrated cities. Founded in 1642, Montreal was one of the most important cities in the settlement of Canada, and largely acted as a base of operations for French settlers for decades. The province of Quebec officially speaks French, which offers a fun new experience for travelers who are used to the English-speaking culture that covers the rest of Canada and the USA. Our office at Salaberry-de-Valleyfield covers our operations in Quebec and even extends service to the Maritime provinces, focusing specifically on the cities of Halifax, St. John’s, Moncton, Saint John, and Fredericton.
Cities in Quebec that we serve include:
Contact Us
35 Robineault St.Toll Free: 888.945.2611 Ext: 603
Fax: 450.377.5277
Renseignements personnels
Pour toute question au sujet du traitement ou de la mise à jour de vos renseignements personnels ou pour nous faire part de toute préoccupations à cet égard, veuillez communiquer avec nous via la personne responsable de la protection des renseignements personnels Madame Lisa Thompson par le biais de l’adresse courriel suivante: ou par téléphone au : 1-888-945-2611 option 9.
At eCycle Solutions, we are dedicated to creating sustainable recycling practices across Canada. It is our goal to virtually eliminate all electronic waste from entering our country’s landfills, and instead to divert e-waste to recycling centres and manufacturing facilities. Since 2005, we have been committed to protecting Canada’s environment and precious natural resources. We pride ourselves on our ability to create recycling methods that are cost-effective for consumers.
Our team of environmentalists and recycling specialists understands the toll that e-waste takes on our landfills, and we advocate for change across all levels of infrastructure to prevent any more electronics from being diverted to landfills. For large-scale businesses, we also ensure absolute privacy and security when recycling your computers, laptops, cell phones, and other devices with confidential data.
For more information about our electronic recycling services or to book a consult for your recycling needs, feel free to call our toll-free number at 888-945-2611 or contact us here.